Celebrate Recovery

Lakeview Covenant Church, Duluth, MN

Dinner, Music, Worship, Small Groups

Every Thursday Night

No registration - All over 18 are welcome each and every week - We are anonymous and confidential

Questions? Contact Jon at 218-269-0166; or email us at CRLakeviewCovenant@gmail.com

For a ride: Call Lakeview Covenant Church at 218-525-6625

Helping people overcome hurts, habits and hangups...

What Is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered and Bible-based 12 step recovery program. The purpose is to focus on God’s healing power through fellowship with others.

How Celebrate Recovery Works

This proven recovery system uses the traditional methods of issue groups, sponsors, accountability partners and special occasions to build recovery for those struggling with addictive habits, codependency, childhood hurts and other life experiences that affect our peace. In Celebrate Recovery groups, the walking wounded study, pray, share and take the steps necessary to experience a better life.

Who Needs Celebrate Recovery?

Anyone can participate in Celebrate Recovery: 

National Online Small Groups

Celebration Recovery now has national online recovery meetings on Zoom. They are at 12pm PST Wednesdays. For more information, check it out at https://celebraterecovery.com/resources/cr-online-group.

Dinner at 6pm: Enjoy a meal before we start.

Large Group at 6:30pm: Meet for music, worship and teaching.

Open Share Groups from 7:30-8:30pm: Break into separate groups for men and women for specific recovery areas.

Solid Rock at 8:30pm: Hang around afterwards for fun treats, coffee and water.

What Is a Hurt, Habit or Hang-up?

A hurt, habit or hang-up is something that hinders our walk with God. 

These life problems can be stumbling blocks or stepping stones. Healing is available through applying the principles of a Bible based recovery process to our lives.

Celebrate Recovery at Lakeview Covenant Church is now helping clean-up our roads. Join us!